Radical Software & Consulting Inc.
Providing the Best Solution
Mr. Allport business expertise covers many areas including:
processing banking transaction, financial services and health care
Mr. Allport has over 20 years experience with some of the
most prestigious financial services companies. These
include: J.P Merrill Lynch. These were 24 hour operations
with a global reach. equiring complex solutions.
Mr. Allport experience in financial services includes:
- Providing solutions for the global market place:
- UK
- European markets.
- Far east market
- Use of global arbitrage and risk
- Trading and trader support.
- Algorithmic trading.
- High frequency trading.
- Accepting many data feeds and using the
information for tasks including: trading and
risk management.
- Back office operations, process and
- Risk management.
- Accounting.
- Audit.
- Internal and external regulators.
- Equities.
- Futures.
- Bonds.
- Foreign Exchange.
- Commodities.
- Derivatives.
- Arbitrage.
- Debt back instruments.
- Banking Transactions Software
Mr. Allport has experience in software required to operate:
ATMs, point of sales machines and the processing of checks
sent by devices such as smart phones.
- Health Care Support Software
Mr. Allport has experience in the health services
environment including: automated processing of health
insurance claims and large scale proscription dispensing